Et cetera
Literally “the rest of it”. There’s a little more of my own words and opinions in these.
During the pandemic, I, too did a little trading. Only in the most conservative beginner way (no leverage, no futures). I’ve also since mostly moved away from it, but I spent some time learning a few things rooting around in the morass of grifters, thieves, cons, and vaporcoins. I didn’t go broke, so here are…
This is a gallery of images made by Dall-E 2 from prompts my daughter and I made. I picked the favorites.
I was talking with someone once about a project and as we were wrapping up, I made a lighthearted self deprecating comment about the best developers being lazy ones. Initially, I thought I’d misread the tenor of our conversation, because he seized on my comment with a vengeance. He was suddenly kind of shockingly angry.…
One challenge of freelance work for me has been conveying the value of my work- whether that’s consulting, or even deliverables to clients. As a brilliant way to address this, one of my old mentors gave me this paper on planning a web site. It did help streamline spec-ing out jobs, but that was a…
Below is some very unoriginal whinging and I sound like a curmudgeon, but I’m saying it anyway because it’s true and to move past it. I get it, things change, code changes, products change, competition enters, and people gotta eat. It’s disheartening to admit though that I don’t seem to be able to make clients…
I’m revamping and have been avoiding making some decisions. I finally settled on the landing page offering 2 options – currently called “Work” and “Not Work” – which then are essentially (not actually) two different sites. I began moving posts into matching “work” and “not-work” parent categories after disregarding the idea of running two…
This most likely only affects folks who have one of those malware-infected-and-neglected sluggish computers that suffer popups and whatnot, but here’s a little incentive to check up on your in-law’s computer… Reshared post from +Kimberly Castleberry Why Some Of Your Readers Will Lose Internet On July 9th 2012…. via +Just Ask Kim #askkim Embedded Link…
That’s Reshared post from +Robert Scoble Sometimes I want to cry for entrepreneurs Tonight I got a nice email from an entrepreneur who lives in Los Angeles that’s developed a competitor to Highlight (the app that I’ve picked to be “the app of SXSW” next week: ). The entrepreneur wanted to have his…
Sorry. Reshared post from +Robert Scoble Why isn’t Android doing as well as Samsung wants in the tablet market? Those words aren’t mine, they are directly from Samsung’s CEO: For me it comes all down to apps. Today +Andy Rubin (the guy who runs Android at Google) was quoted in +The Verge (now my…
Good cost breakdown for AWS from gigaom. Embedded Link Which is less expensive: Amazon or self-hosted?Charlie Oppenheimer may be a fan of Amazon Web Services. But, as he explains here, he’s long felt that the economics of the choice between self-hosted and cloud provider had more texture to it than th… Google+: View post on…